Well the kids had an amazing Christmas, they got (i believe) everything they wanted- even though we went so much lighter this year! Trent and i were happy just being together with our family this year! It has been an amazing year and we are looking forward to a new one! We wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
New Years Eve we went to PF Changs for dinner! We were lucky enough to have Mom and Colin, Chris, Shawn and Bonnie, and of course Athena join us! it was a good time! After dinner we went back to the house and played our new Wii all night! Kamree stayed up til past the New Year (holy cow!) and we banged pots and pans and ate lots of junk food! lots of fun! Kelsey and Jordan were both home with us (kind of against there will), but before long they will be staying out all night with there friends - i was happy to spend it as a family - and after they were done being bugged - they had lots of fun too! :)