Kamree competed for the first time on the trampoline and tumbling! She was super nervous on the tramp, but did great on her backhandsprings!! We love to watch her shine!! and her bottom looks so cute in the outfits (hehe)
My two girls!! How lucky am I!!

Grandma was so nice to drive all the way up to Brigham City to support me! What an awesome grandma i have!!

Kelsey on her way to her halloween party and Kamree trick-or-treating at her first house of the night( just happened to be where Kelsey was going)! Happy Halloween!! Fun times! can't believe we are onto November already! Soon we will be adding one more to the picture. Thinking about the name Kennedy Ryann. what do you think??
Grandma was so nice to drive all the way up to Brigham City to support me! What an awesome grandma i have!!
Kelsey on her way to her halloween party and Kamree trick-or-treating at her first house of the night( just happened to be where Kelsey was going)! Happy Halloween!! Fun times! can't believe we are onto November already! Soon we will be adding one more to the picture. Thinking about the name Kennedy Ryann. what do you think??