Dance for me!
Here is cute Kelsey Kym. As we all know she is full of energy and surprises! She did awesome in her Christmas performances and we are all looking forward to the spring flings and her summer tour!! She should be finding out about solo's soon and we will let everyone know! 2nd quarter is over now and she ended up with one B+ and the rest A's!! i think i may have a few more gray hairs because of it, but the end result was good! She's a little boy crazy lately and she can't seem to go anywhere without boys flirting with her, but if you know her - she loves it!! She really wants a boyfriend for Valentines, but we are trying to tell her that single is the way to go!! I was thinking of getting her some braces right before high school, so at least that will keep her from kissing any boys!! hehe!
oh jeez mom. this is kelsey. but don't you all agree that she does NOT have to put that i have boys "flirting" with me wherever we go (not true by the way hehe) and i'm a teenage girl. what do you expect? me to be totally anti-guys. psht. dream big! anyways please refrain from posting anything else on the blog about me and my "boycrazyness"! xoxoxoxo- Kelsey
LOL!! ya gotta love her!
Way to Go Kelsey I am proud of you:and what can you expect about the boys being crazy about you (her) you have the looks and the personality .. and how to hang in there with her Melissa Love you both
Ya I totally am in on the braces thing!!!! Way awesome idea!!! That will shy them away from getting their lips tangled in metal!!! Keep up the posts on Kelsey's latest "boycrazyness" ~ I love it!!!! Cute pictures!!! Love the updates, keep it up!!
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