Monday, May 10, 2010
My Husband!
I needed to tell my amazing husband how great i think he is! Everyday life gets so busy that sometimes i forget to tell him how much he means to me. The past 9 months have been especially hard with all of the emotions of trying to get our beautiful baby here. After baby Caden i was sure i would never try to have another baby again..... it broke my heart into too many peices. Well we did try again, and i was a nervous reck on and off through the entire pregnancy. Trent was there every step of the way just like he is for everything. Through all of the breakdowns! Whether they were do to a lack of sleep, hormones, nervousness, emotions, or the house just needing to be cleaned - he did it all, and still is! He can make me feel stronger with just a few words, or make me feel calm with just a touch of his hand. He is so wonderful to me, and is such a wonderful dad. There is nothing he wouldn't do for any of us. Thanks honey for being my perfect. Thanks for everything you bring to my life and thanks for the person you are. You are so many things that i strive to be, you have patience that stretches on for miles (which is why you can put up with me :))..... We are so lucky to have you. Thanks for being there for me, and the kids - especially Kelsey..... not everyone is so open and loving to a child that is not "technically" theirs - but you treat her like she is your own and there is nothing i can ever do to tell you how thankful i am for that. I love you so much! Love me.

Our New Addition! Baby Lily!
Well gosh, i can't begin to say i lucky i feel! I have the three most wonderful, beautiful, amazing girls ever! Words cannot express how blessed i am. Kelsey is always there to help out when i need it the most and Kamree always knows when i could use a great big hug! Lily of course is just as sweet as can be and i am loving even the late night feedings! Thank you so much to my girls for being so caring and special - i couldn't imagine my life without you guys!
Yesterday was Mothers Day, and it was the most amazing day ever! My wonderful husband cooked for 2 hours to make my perfect breakfast! Fresh Cut fruit (strawberries, bananas, grapes and cantaloupe), 19 grain pancakes with fresh bananas and walnuts on top, with my favorite sugarfree syrup! and to top it off fresh juiced orange/apple juice and carrot/apple juice. Then we went to my wonderful mom's house for a fun family party, where i got to see not just my mom (which is the best), but my dad (thanks for making a special trip out to see us dad) and brothers and sisters as well. After a wonderful meal i got to snuggle my sweet little baby Lily, then rough house and spend some talking time with Kelsey, and then played soccer and jumped on the tramp with Kamree. What more could i ask for? What a perfect day! I feel blessed everyday to have such a wonderful, healthy family! love you all!
Trent is such an amazing dad, friend and husband! i couldn't dream of anyone i would rather spend the rest of my life with!
Kelsey loves snuggling with her new baby sis, and she is such a big help too. i was having a bit of a rough night a few days ago and kels came to the rescue. She is such a great daughter and big sister (to Kamree and Lily) - thanks kels!
Well, Kamree helps all day long with her little sister (we call Kamree the big/little sister) - since she is still a little sister herself :). She loves to "nuzzle" her! well lets just say she would kiss, hug and hold her all day if i would let her :). Kamree has really risen to the occasion to being the best big sister ever. She never complains, and is always trying to help with something. The best is when she says - mom, you look like you could use a hug! how precious is that! As i am typing this Kamree rushed off to put the binkie back in Lily's mouth :). Love you Krams!
loving life!
Kamree is loving soccer this year - and gets better with every game she plays, and she has no problem keeping up with all the boys :)
Kelsey getting her first kiss (j/k). I would love it if she would stick with kissing animals (hehe). Hopefully we can keep her away from the boys for atleast a few more years!! wish me luck!
Kamree makes sure to only feed the nice goats (not the ones that are pushy and mean). Everyday is so much fun, watching the girls grow and learn - nothing better than being a mom!

Here is our scooter queen - ya gotta admit she looks pretty dang cute riding around! It can get a bit scary though, since she doesn't have a whole lot of inabition.

Water Fight!!!! i started it, but of course while holding the baby! (hehe). It was not a very warm day, but Kamree was so excited to have a water fight that i couldn't resist! - and Trent being the good sport he always is, let me get him all wet and Kamree finished him off! (i think it is because he didn't want me spraying the car anymore since he had just cleaned it). hehe
Here is our scooter queen - ya gotta admit she looks pretty dang cute riding around! It can get a bit scary though, since she doesn't have a whole lot of inabition.
Water Fight!!!! i started it, but of course while holding the baby! (hehe). It was not a very warm day, but Kamree was so excited to have a water fight that i couldn't resist! - and Trent being the good sport he always is, let me get him all wet and Kamree finished him off! (i think it is because he didn't want me spraying the car anymore since he had just cleaned it). hehe
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