Monday, May 10, 2010
My Husband!
I needed to tell my amazing husband how great i think he is! Everyday life gets so busy that sometimes i forget to tell him how much he means to me. The past 9 months have been especially hard with all of the emotions of trying to get our beautiful baby here. After baby Caden i was sure i would never try to have another baby again..... it broke my heart into too many peices. Well we did try again, and i was a nervous reck on and off through the entire pregnancy. Trent was there every step of the way just like he is for everything. Through all of the breakdowns! Whether they were do to a lack of sleep, hormones, nervousness, emotions, or the house just needing to be cleaned - he did it all, and still is! He can make me feel stronger with just a few words, or make me feel calm with just a touch of his hand. He is so wonderful to me, and is such a wonderful dad. There is nothing he wouldn't do for any of us. Thanks honey for being my perfect. Thanks for everything you bring to my life and thanks for the person you are. You are so many things that i strive to be, you have patience that stretches on for miles (which is why you can put up with me :))..... We are so lucky to have you. Thanks for being there for me, and the kids - especially Kelsey..... not everyone is so open and loving to a child that is not "technically" theirs - but you treat her like she is your own and there is nothing i can ever do to tell you how thankful i am for that. I love you so much! Love me.

Our New Addition! Baby Lily!
Well gosh, i can't begin to say i lucky i feel! I have the three most wonderful, beautiful, amazing girls ever! Words cannot express how blessed i am. Kelsey is always there to help out when i need it the most and Kamree always knows when i could use a great big hug! Lily of course is just as sweet as can be and i am loving even the late night feedings! Thank you so much to my girls for being so caring and special - i couldn't imagine my life without you guys!
Yesterday was Mothers Day, and it was the most amazing day ever! My wonderful husband cooked for 2 hours to make my perfect breakfast! Fresh Cut fruit (strawberries, bananas, grapes and cantaloupe), 19 grain pancakes with fresh bananas and walnuts on top, with my favorite sugarfree syrup! and to top it off fresh juiced orange/apple juice and carrot/apple juice. Then we went to my wonderful mom's house for a fun family party, where i got to see not just my mom (which is the best), but my dad (thanks for making a special trip out to see us dad) and brothers and sisters as well. After a wonderful meal i got to snuggle my sweet little baby Lily, then rough house and spend some talking time with Kelsey, and then played soccer and jumped on the tramp with Kamree. What more could i ask for? What a perfect day! I feel blessed everyday to have such a wonderful, healthy family! love you all!
Trent is such an amazing dad, friend and husband! i couldn't dream of anyone i would rather spend the rest of my life with!
Kelsey loves snuggling with her new baby sis, and she is such a big help too. i was having a bit of a rough night a few days ago and kels came to the rescue. She is such a great daughter and big sister (to Kamree and Lily) - thanks kels!
Well, Kamree helps all day long with her little sister (we call Kamree the big/little sister) - since she is still a little sister herself :). She loves to "nuzzle" her! well lets just say she would kiss, hug and hold her all day if i would let her :). Kamree has really risen to the occasion to being the best big sister ever. She never complains, and is always trying to help with something. The best is when she says - mom, you look like you could use a hug! how precious is that! As i am typing this Kamree rushed off to put the binkie back in Lily's mouth :). Love you Krams!
loving life!
Kamree is loving soccer this year - and gets better with every game she plays, and she has no problem keeping up with all the boys :)
Kelsey getting her first kiss (j/k). I would love it if she would stick with kissing animals (hehe). Hopefully we can keep her away from the boys for atleast a few more years!! wish me luck!
Kamree makes sure to only feed the nice goats (not the ones that are pushy and mean). Everyday is so much fun, watching the girls grow and learn - nothing better than being a mom!

Here is our scooter queen - ya gotta admit she looks pretty dang cute riding around! It can get a bit scary though, since she doesn't have a whole lot of inabition.

Water Fight!!!! i started it, but of course while holding the baby! (hehe). It was not a very warm day, but Kamree was so excited to have a water fight that i couldn't resist! - and Trent being the good sport he always is, let me get him all wet and Kamree finished him off! (i think it is because he didn't want me spraying the car anymore since he had just cleaned it). hehe
Here is our scooter queen - ya gotta admit she looks pretty dang cute riding around! It can get a bit scary though, since she doesn't have a whole lot of inabition.
Water Fight!!!! i started it, but of course while holding the baby! (hehe). It was not a very warm day, but Kamree was so excited to have a water fight that i couldn't resist! - and Trent being the good sport he always is, let me get him all wet and Kamree finished him off! (i think it is because he didn't want me spraying the car anymore since he had just cleaned it). hehe
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Kamree's gymnastics meet!
Kamree competed for the first time on the trampoline and tumbling! She was super nervous on the tramp, but did great on her backhandsprings!! We love to watch her shine!! and her bottom looks so cute in the outfits (hehe)
My two girls!! How lucky am I!!

Grandma was so nice to drive all the way up to Brigham City to support me! What an awesome grandma i have!!

Kelsey on her way to her halloween party and Kamree trick-or-treating at her first house of the night( just happened to be where Kelsey was going)! Happy Halloween!! Fun times! can't believe we are onto November already! Soon we will be adding one more to the picture. Thinking about the name Kennedy Ryann. what do you think??
Grandma was so nice to drive all the way up to Brigham City to support me! What an awesome grandma i have!!
Kelsey on her way to her halloween party and Kamree trick-or-treating at her first house of the night( just happened to be where Kelsey was going)! Happy Halloween!! Fun times! can't believe we are onto November already! Soon we will be adding one more to the picture. Thinking about the name Kennedy Ryann. what do you think??
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Trick or Treat!
Halloween fun at Grandma's house! Trenton and Me were detectives, Kelsey (mascarade ball girl), and Kamree as a flapper! Fun party - thanks grams!
Kelsey and Kamree working the camera - they are sure fun to take pictures of (which is probably why i can't get caught up on scrapbooking). Well Kelsey looked cute like always, and Kamree was playing to part of a flapper from the minute that she put on the outfit- choppin on her gum, ordering ice tea. funny girls!

Family Fun!!
Kamree - our little gymnast! We are so proud of all the accomplishments Kamree has made the past few months. She is so dedicated and keeps trying whatever it is she is working on until she is pleased with the results. She is nervous for her upcoming meet on October 24th. She is worried that she won't get a high score :( - she just glows though everytime she gets a new "trick" down!
1st day of school!!!
Kelseys 1st day of high school. Not sure who was more nervous - me or her!
Kamree's first day of kindergarten. She was so excited, and thought she was so BIG!! She didn't even want me to walk her to the door (of course i did though)... Miss Independent.

I think we added a little too much bubble bath! hehe. sure was fun though!

Kelsey's 14th birthday party with her friends. Floating on the Daybreak Lake. They had a blast!! and Kamree of course wanting to be big like her big sis!
I think we added a little too much bubble bath! hehe. sure was fun though!
Kelsey's 14th birthday party with her friends. Floating on the Daybreak Lake. They had a blast!! and Kamree of course wanting to be big like her big sis!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April Fools!
So you have heard the stories, now here are the pictures! Kamree was playing cute little April Fools jokes on me all day! (mom how many fruit snacks did i eat, then she would say 4 - JUST KIDDING MOM - i ate 5!! she thought it was so dang funny!!) So we decided to play some pranks! Prank #1 (me, kelsey and kamree) all waiting for Trent to come home and get in the shower, then we took all the towels, rugs, etc. out of the bathroom (keep in mind all of his clothes are downstairs!) he opened the door and saw the camera's pointed at him and shut the door (he had a little hand towell that he had dried off with and wrapped around him (somewhat at least - hehe). So he rummaged through my closet and found these (mine)sweat pants - i had to guilt him into letting me take a picture!
Prank #2 - we put a rubber band around the sprayer on the faucet. I told Trent that Cuddles was out of water (which i had emptied). He flipped on the water and the picture says the rest - Happy April Fools!! (well ok, so i got a hold of the sprayer and helped a bit) Kamree was having a blast!
Prank #3-
Kamree and I put salt and Kelsey's and Trent tooth brushes - SO FUNNNY!! Kelsey was refusing to brush her teeth - LOL! Kamree was rolling!
Prank #4 -
Prank #4 -
Kamree got locked into a bed pocket (or whatever you call it). The sheet was folded up and tucked in so she couldn't straighten out her legs!! She had a fun night, - which is what it is all about! (kelsey's on the other hand spent an hour trying to figure out something to get me back - LOL) i'd better watch out next year!!
Disneyland - March 09
So here we are at Disneyland (again this year). We had season passes and wanted to use them one last time before they expired! We had lots of fun! Kamree wanted to ride the "big" rides this time around, so we spent most of our time riding Space Mountain, Matterhorn, Thunder Mountain Railroad (or whatever its called) (that was her favorite), Splash Mountain (not Kamree's favorite, but it is Kelsey's) - and so on!! It was a lot of fun! We just rode the rides that we knew we liked and didn't worry about hitting them all.. we just enjoyed being together! This is the girls at Goofy's kitchen! Goofy took a drink (pretended) of Kamree's drink - then we ask Kamree if she wanted a drink - see next picture!!
She was like EWWWWWW!! funny!
This was the worst part of the entire trip, and i will never forget it! I have lost the girls for a few seconds here and there at the mall or store but never anything like this!!! We were at the Disneyland parade (a new parade, only 3 days old, they discontinued the Princess parade - way sad) Anyways, the characters were doing a konga line and asked for all the kids to join in. Well we kind of joked with some people standing next to us and said "i hope they bring them back" - well long story short - THEY DIDN'T!!! they took the kids around the float that was in front of us and i tried to watch her as well as i could, but then they took all the kids around the next float and we couldn't see her at all! Then i saw all the kids coming back and relaxed a bit, until i realized Kamree was nowhere to be seen!! I started freaking out and they kept telling me to stay on the side lines! I finally said, NO!! this is my daughter and you can shut the entire parade down for all i care - i was running from side to side showing people pictures of Kamree, while Trent went the other direction. She was gone for apprx 5 minutes. Then out of no where a lady showed up with Kamree. I was in hysterics!! Poor Kelsey was just watching me, she was crying too! I don't know exactly what happened, or why it would take someone 5 minutes to let someone know that a child was lost, but she was safe!! It took me a bit to get it together and Kamree was so confused - she said she was scared cause she couldn't find us, but couldn't really explain much else. I always knew that i would lose it if something happened to one of my kids, and i did!! Poor Kamree was under lock and key the rest of the trip.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Kelsey is growing up!!
He Loves her!! (how could he not!)
This picture is right after Justin (kelsey's boyfriend) told her that he loved her!! WOW!! Trent was a good sport and gave Kelsey a hard time for not saying anything back to him after he told her that he loved her (she just said - oh! well my parents are coming down so i'd better go) (LOL!!), he made her feel very bad and she told us to leave so she could call him back! teenage love! (she told him that she loved him too)- as far as i can tell it is very innocent, or i wouldn't be as excited as i am for her! I love that she tells me all of these things!! (i hope it doesn't stop!). it is a lot to take in though, first kisses, first i love you's! But the look on her face makes it ALL worth it!! We love you Kels!
Wow - very different side huh! this is my little vampire!! maybe i should send this picture to Justin (hehe). Actually this is her being a vampire cause Trent and I stole her phone, and Trent has run into the room and locked it pretending to call or test Justin. Kelsey didn't think we were very funny, but we sure did!

Punta Mita, Mexico!! Feb 2009
Trent and i golfing (well ok, just Trent) on one of Jack Nicholas courses. Trent loved it, and i like riding. This is the 3rd hole, very neat - high tide actually covers up the path to get to it!
The hotel was beautiful! Trent's company always takes very good care of us, you can see the infinity pool and the beach behind us! Our hotel was very secluded from everything, just the way i like it!!

This iguana was watching us play tennis. It is one of Trents and my favorite things to do on vacation (without the kids) - we get up and go to breakfast, then go play tennis, then head down to the beach to read for a few hours! I told Trent next time we go on vacation i will need some anti-axiety pills when we get home. I think i relax so much on vacation, that my body literally goes into shock and can't deal when we get home! (poor me i know!) thanks to everyone for all your help with the girls!!!
This iguana was watching us play tennis. It is one of Trents and my favorite things to do on vacation (without the kids) - we get up and go to breakfast, then go play tennis, then head down to the beach to read for a few hours! I told Trent next time we go on vacation i will need some anti-axiety pills when we get home. I think i relax so much on vacation, that my body literally goes into shock and can't deal when we get home! (poor me i know!) thanks to everyone for all your help with the girls!!!
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